Chapter 3: Regression
AP Statistics Standards
I. Exploring Data: (continued)
D. Exploring bivariate data
Analyzing patterns in scatterplots
Correlation and linearity
Least-squares regression line
Residual plots, outliers, and
influential points
Objectives |
Essential Question:
How can we establish and quantify
a cause and effect relationship between two variables? |
Chap 3 2
Variable (Bivariate)
- Identify the response and explanatory variables
from a plot.
- response:
y-variable, dependent
- explanatory:
x-variable, independent
- Identify positive and negative associations from scatter plots.
Note: an association does not establish
cause and effect
- Detect linear and non-linear relationships
using scatter plots.
make a scatter plot when analyzing bivariate data
- Judge the relative strength of a relationship
by the amount of scatter around the curve of best fit.
- Identify
on scatter plots.
- Within the expected range X-values
- Outside the expected range of Y-values for
a given X-value
- Identify
"influential outliers"
on scatter plots.
- Outside the expected range X-values
- Note: in this region the expected range of Y-values
is undefined
Make scatter plots using the TI-83 calculator and Excel.
State why any analysis of 2 variable (bivariate) data
should always begin with a scatter plot regardless of which tools are used to
further analyze the data.
Note: in the ideal situation
all the data points would have equal influence and be uniformly distributed.
(formative/summative assessment): Exercises 1, 3, 5, 7 pp. 158-159
Relevance: Many scientific
constants and predictions are based on measurements of the slopes of lines.
Essential Question:
Why is it important to quantify
correlation instead of just estimating it by looking at a graph? |
- State
the meaning of correlation and how it is typically indicated.
- r = correlation coefficient, range goes from -1 to +1
- Strength -- the absolute value of r is close to 1
- Direction
- Assumes a linear relationship
- Calculate r using the formula:
r =
1 |
( |
- xbar |
) |
( |
- ybar |
) |
n - 1 |
sx |
sy |
Be as one with the following facts about
- r-square is
- adding a constant
to either y-variable or x-variable or both has no effect on r-square
or slope.
- multiplying either the y-variable or the x-variable or both
has no effect on r-square
Homefun (formative/summative
assessment): Exercise 9, 15, 17 pp.159-160
Essential Question:
Why would we need to find a
mathematical relationship between variables? Isn't correlation enough? |
- Explain
the difference between correlation and regression.
correlation: denotes the strength of an association
regression: yeilds a mathematical model (regression equation) of the association.
Perform regression/correlation analysis with the TI-83
calculator and Excel Spreads sheets.
- What type of error does least squares regression minimize?
- Interpret regression equations.
- Single
yhat = ax + b
- Multiple
yhat = ao + a1x1 + a2x2
+ ... + anxn
Calculate ybar using a regression equation, given xbar.
Properly state the meaning of slope according
to the official statistics definition. (p155)
For every increase of one
in the x-variable, the predicted y increases by the slope
- Properly interpret the intercept.
(sales) = 50 (advertising dollars) + 87
- What are the sales with
no advertising?
the intercept
or 87
Describe the region where a given regression equation
will give a meaningful association. within the range of
Define and decry the use of
Extrapolation is the act of drawing a conclusion based on the regression line
in a region significantly outside of the range of x-values. These conclusions
can be highly misleading.
- example:
(bushels tomatoes) = 2 (lb fertilizer)
+ 10 ,
- x-range 0 to 5
- If Bob puts 100 lb of
fertilizer on his plants,
how many bushels
of tomatoes will he get.
Answer: zero--he
kills his tomato plants.
Be aware that the point (xbar, ybar) is in the
center of the regression line. ybar = b (xbar) + a
Homefun (formative/summative
assessment): Exercise 35, 37, 41 p.191
Essential Question:
What happens to the
regression analysis when we change units? |
- Solve problems using the following equations (b
= slope, a = intercept):
b = r (sy/
a = ybar - b(xbar)
Action |
- Effect
- (Derived from the above 2 equations &
info at right)
- Effect
- (Based on review information from
previous chapters.)
Slope |
Intercept |
sy |
sx |
ybar |
xbar |
Multiply by constant = k |
x-data points |
multiply by 1 / k |
none |
none |
multiply by k |
none |
multiply by k |
y-data points |
multiply by k |
multiply by k |
multiply by k |
none |
multiply by k |
none |
both |
none |
multiply by k |
multiply by k |
multiply by k |
multiply by k |
multiply by k |
Add a constant = k |
x-data points |
none |
adds -bk |
none |
none |
none |
adds k |
y-data points |
none |
adds k |
none |
none |
adds k |
none |
both |
none |
adds (k-bk) |
none |
none |
adds k |
adds k |
Homefun (formative/summative
assessment): Exercise 47 p.192
Relevance: Regression
and correlation are the mathematical tools much of the social sciences as well
as business tools are founded on.
Essential Question:
What does R-Square really
mean? |
The Meaning of R-Square
- State the meaning of SST and SSE. Use them to calculate
SST = ∑ (yi - ybar)2
SST (Sum of Squares Total)
is a measure of the scatter or variability of the y-data
points about the y-data's mean.
SSE = ∑ (yi - yhat)2
SSE (Sum of Squared Errors) is a measure of the scatter or variability
of the y-data points about the regression line.
Remember, the x-data is assumed to be error free.
is a measure of the amount of variability in the y-data points
explained by the regression line.
r2 = (SST - SSE) / SST is a measure of the fraction of the
variation in the values of y that is accounted for by the regression line of y on x.
- Give the official interpretation of r-square
(coefficient of determination).
Explain why care must be taken in using the official
interpretation of r-squared. Remember, even when
correlating data from random sources, r-squared can sometimes be reassuringly
Susceptible to outliers,
especially influential outliers
Data points furthest from the center of the line have
more influence. It's similar to a playground
see-saw or teeter-totter: a person seated on the end will have more
influence than a person seated close to the middle.
There may be no causative relationship between explanatory
and response variables. A high r-square does not
establish causation!
r-square applies to linear relationships.
A low r-square value does not establish that there is no association. The
association could be non-linear.
Homefun (formative/summative
assessment): Homefun (formative/summative
assessment): Exercise 53, 59, 63 p.192-194
Relevance: Sometimes
major political decisions are made or social theories proposed based on
questionable evidence from correlation/regression analysis. It's difficult to evaluate this evidence without knowing
something about the meaning of r-square. |
(formative/summative assessment): Meaning of
R-Square - time approx 2 class periods (individual work) |
Purpose: Determine if a regression analysis using random
numbers can yield an r-square value of 50% or more.
Instructions: Set up a
regression analysis in Excel using integer x-values from 0
to 9. Use a random number from 0 to 10 for the y-values. Run
this simulation 100 times. Calculate the average r-square
and record the highest r-squared value. Record the three
highest r-square values obtained in the class.
Save the data sets from your 4
regression/correlation results with the highest
R-square value. You will use it again at the end of the
Questions /Conclusions:
- Based on your data, does a high
r-square value by itself indicate a meaningful association
or causation?
- Is the random number generator used in this
investigation truly random?
- Is it possible to get a high r-squared value merely
from random events?
- What does it really mean when
we say that r-square
represents the fraction of the variation in the values of
y that is "explained" by the least squares regression of y
on x? Discuss things like the SSM and SSE.
Essential Question:
Can a regression equation with a
high R-square be inappropriate? |
- Define what is meant by a residual.
resid = yi - yhat
a residual is the difference between the measured y-value and the
y-value predicted by the regression equation.
Calculate residuals using a TI-83 calculator.
State 2 ways to plot residuals.
State the major assumptions concerning
distribution of y-data points about regression lines.
Y-data normally distributed:
If y-data points were repeatedly
gathered for a given x-value, the y-data would form a normal distribution
with its mean corresponding to the yhat value calculated with the given
x-value. Remember,
y-values have random measurement errors in them. Repeated measurements of a
y-value will not give the exact same number.
Uniform spread in y-data from one end of the
line to the other:
The spread in the above distribution would be the same for every possible
x-value. (See objective 32 to estimate the size of the spread.)
- Interpret residual plot patterns.
Residual Plot conclusion:
either appropriate
or inappropriate
- Random--appropriate
- Smiley or Frowning Face (Mr. R's Terms)--inappropriate
Pattern in the scatter--inappropriate
residual plots
merely magnify the patterns that can be observed in a scatter plot.
The horizontal line at the origin
of a residual plot represents the regression line.
A person
skilled at interpreting scatter plots will arrive at the same conclusions that
can be drawn from a residual plot.
- Make residual plots using a TI-83.
- Store x-data in L1
and y-data in L2
- First perform the regression analysis for
L1, L2
- Create a scatter plot of
on the horizontal axis and L3 on the
vertical axis
State the sum of the residuals.
Correctly interpret the standard error of the least squares regression
line. The standard error of the least squares regression
line is related to the residuals as shown below and is a measure of the spread of the data around the regression line. It can be considered an estimate of the standard deviation of the normal distribution described in objective 28.
Most computer printouts will report a value for s. (see Minitab Output )
s = [ S(y - yhat)2 / (n-2) ]1/2
s = [ S(residual)2 / (n-2) ]1/2
s = [ SSE / (n-2) ]1/2
Homefun (formative/summative
assessment): prob. 46, 60, 61, 71, 73 pp.192-196
Relevance: Even though
the world is largely non-linear, parts of it can often be accurately described
with linear models. Knowing when a linear model is inappropriate is essential to
building effective models.
Various types of regression
models are used in everything from predicting grades on AP tests to computer
control of chemical plants.
Essential Question:
How can I make an "A" on
the test? |
Regression/Correlation Analysis Review
- Work the practice test.
- Review the objectives.
- Look over
free response problems
from previous years.
- Master the vocabulary (see example
Summative Assessment: Test--Objectives 1-32 |
(formative/summative assessment): Determining if a
Regression Equation is Appropriate - time approx 1 class
periods (individual work) |
Purpose: Determine if a linear regression equation is
appropriate for two different situations.
Background: Commercial
resistors follow ohm's law while light bulbs, due to their
high temperatures do not. Ohm's law is as follows:
I = (1/R) V
Where: I = current, V= voltage and R =
Plotting I vs. V will theoretically
yield a straight line passing through the origin.
Instructions: Set up a least
squares linear regression analysis in Excel to find the
association between current (response variable) and voltage
(explanatory variable) for a commercial resistor and for a
light bulb. Remember that this means a scatter plot as well
as finding the slope, intercept, and R-square for the data.
Set up the formulas needed to plot a residual plot and make
such a plot for the two sets of data.
Questions /Conclusions:
- Based on your data, does a high
r-square value by itself indicate a meaningful association
or causation?
- Find the resistance value in Ohms for the commercial
- Is a linear equation appropriate for the commercial
resistor? How about the light bulb. Explain your answers.