Parent/Guardian |

A parent or guardian for each student is
asked to send Mr. Rogers an e-mail as follows:
- Subject: AP Statistics <your
student's name>
- Please indicate your name inside the
e-mail body. Mr. Rogers will use this for communicating information
during the year
Click here for an abbreviated syllabus on the official school letterhead.
Contact Information:
Reasoning based on
probability and statistics gives modern society the ability to cope with
uncertainty. It deals with the design of how data is collection,
the analysis of the data, and the drawing of conclusions
from the data.
Statistics has
astonishing power to improve decision-making accuracy and test new ideas.
It's a key analytical tool used in education, the social sciences, and
business administration and is often a required college subject for majors
in those areas. Statistics is frequently used for data analysis in the
sciences and forms the mathematical basis for quality control in
AP Statistics is a
college level class for students who have been highly successful in
Algebra II. It covers the topics needed for
the American College Board AP Statistics exam. Students passing this
test may receive college credit.
The Intellectual Challenge
In college, statistics is generally considered an intellectually challenging course. Correlations between the combined PSAT math and verbal scores with the passing rate in AP Statistics bears this out. However, AP Statistics has an advantage over the equivalent college course in that it takes an entire year to present what would be considered a semester of material in college.
Resources and Materials for Class
- Calculators and Computers
- For the purpose of understanding, students will learn all the traditional
statistics techniques of using statistics equations and tables for
problem solving. However, In today's world, most statistical
analysis is done on calculators or computers and so resources will be
provided as follows:
- TI-83 Calculator: virtually every
traditional calculation will also be done on a TI-83 .
- Excel Spreadsheet Software: has
become ubiquitous and so students will learn how to insert functions
and write formulas in it. These will be used for simulations and
regression analysis.
- Minitab Statistics Software: a
popular statistics software with more statistics features than Excel. Students will
use Minitab for tasks such as regression analysis, chi squared tests,
and parallel box plots.
- Fathom Software:: will be used by
the teacher for demonstrating the basis behind several of the statistics
techniques such as regression and correlation.
- Textbooks
- Mr. Rogers will provide
the following books:
Practice of Statistics 2nd Edition TI-83
Graphing Calculator Enhanced (Hardcover)
by Daniel S. Yates, David S. Moore,
Daren S. Starnes
the AP Statistics Exam, 2004-2005 Edition (College Test Prep) (Paperback)
by Princeton Review
- Web Page Resources
- Amazing
Applications of Probability and Statistics:
Mr. Rogers has provided a series of online
at both for your enrichment and use
in class. These contain a number of applets
supported in part by Clemson University and the National Science
Syllabus and Unit Plans: a copy of this syllabus
with links to a complete set of unit plans including home work assignments
and practice tests can be found at .
Materials for Class to be Provided by The
- A USB thumb drive or other
storage media for backing up spread sheet programs.
- A TI-83 graphing calculator. Other calculators
can be used, however, the TI-83 is specifically designed for
statistics and will be the only calculator covered in class.
- A set of dry erase markers. You will frequently be working problems
at the front of class on a white board.
- A package of 3x5 cards: Starting
immediately, each student will, over the course of the year create a set
of statistics flash cards to use as a study aid.
Barron's Ap Statistics :
with CD-ROM * by Martin Sternstein,
available from (follow the link)
or through local book stores. To maximize you grade you will have to begin studying from this
book no later than Dec. Note: The Barron's AP Statistics book
does not change much from year to year. The exact publication year does
not make a lot of difference, however, given a choice buy the most
recent one, especially the one
with the CD-ROM.
- Grading
- (For details see Mr. Rogers' Syllabus - Information Common to All Classes.) Tests will be
the single largest item and will be written as close to AP exam
standards as possible. The good news: practice tests for most units are
available online. The link is at the top of each unit plan.
- Additional grades will come from the Statistics
Investigations and Enrichment Activity as shown below. Course work will generally be finished by
sometime in March leaving the rest of the year for review and special projects.
- The first semester
exam will be taken directly from old AP tests or AP study books and is often an indication of
success on the AP exam. To maximize your grade, you will have to begin using
the Barron's AP test study book (see Materials for Class) no later than
December. The fourth quarter grade will consist primarily of
practice AP test grades. Generally, there is a high correlation between these
practice exams and your grade on the AP test.
- Class Work
- You will be performing statistical analysis
of various types both as an individual and as a member of a team on almost a
daily basis. At times you will be asked to work on the white board at the
front of the room. Your active participation will be required.
- Statistics Investigations
- Statistics is about collecting and evaluating data
in order to draw conclusions, so students will
perform a number of statistics investigations similar to those performed
in science classes.
We will also be performing a number of
simulations to help us verify theory as well as understand the use of and
limitations on many of our statistical techniques.
- Each student will turn in a Word or Excel
File for each investigation. These are to be turned in and kept in the
Statistics Investigations folder of your student Home Directory. Complete specifications on the format
for the investigations can be found here.
- The files from the various
investigations should also be stored on a USB thumb drive or other media. We will
be returning to some of the investigations later in the year for further
analysis. If you do not save the data, you will have to re-generate it
Enrichment Activity
student is to Review the statistical analysis in an article published in an
academic, technical, or scientific journal once in both the 3rd and 4th quarters in order to see
how "the professionals" use statistics (professionals being a very loose
term). Popular magazines are not allowed. The paper reviewed must be at least
3 pages long.
The write up should be
four concise paragraphs. The first should summarize the article's
content (what the article is about). The 2nd briefly review how the article
designed its data collection methods. The 3rd how it analyzed its
data, and the 4th whether the conclusions drawn were
statistically defensible. It’s only necessary to choose one item or aspect
from the article and briefly discuss the design, analysis, and conclusions
relative to it. Be concise!
All reviews are to be
typewritten and have a photocopy of the first page of the article and
subsequent pages with relevant statistics. Reviews should be less than 2 pages
in length.
A given article can be
reviewed by only one person. Students should sign up in advance for the
article they want to review. All reviews are due one week before the end of
the quarter. The AP Exam:
The Exam will be given on Friday, May 9, 2014
at 12:00 pm.
You must arrive 30 minutes early. The three-hour test includes a 90-minute
multiple-choice section and a 90-minute free-response section. You'll need to
bring a graphing calculator with statistical capabilities to the exam.
AP tests are graded on a scale of 1 to 5 with 3
considered passing.
Who Should Take This
Class: Students with an interest in careers related to:
medicine, bioinformatics, genetics,
business, mathematics, architecture, engineering, any of the sciences, or the social
sciences including psychology, sociology, political science, and
education. In college, statistics is required for most
majors with the possible exception of the fine arts..
Credit: One math unit
Summer Assignment: Students who
will be taking AP Statistics in the fall should read and familiarize
themselves with the online articles at
Amazing Applications of
Probability and Statistics .
Prerequisites: Algebra II Honors or
Algebra II with teacher recommendation. A combined PSAT verbal and math score of
111 or higher is a good indication that you have the background needed to
succeed in the
course. Surprisingly, a score of 3 or higher on the AP World History exam
is also a strong indication of future success in AP Statistics.
Extra Credit
Opportunity--Science Fair
Rules/Procedures |
All students are required to be familiar with the
Tool Safety Rules: Details rules for the safe use of the tools
and devices found in room 134.
Medical Incident Procedures: Details procedures to be followed
in a medical incident such as fainting, allergic reaction, sudden
illness, injury, etc.
The following is offered as a general
indication of how the class will be paced. Adjustments will be made as
First Quarter:
Unit |
Distributions |
Chap |
1 |
Start |
08 -19 |
End |
09 - 27 |
Days |
7 |
Objectives/ Standards |
I. Exploring Data:
Describing patterns and departures from patterns
Assessment |
Exams |
Unit |
II. Normal
Distribution |
Chap |
2 |
Start |
08 - 28 |
End |
09 - 07 |
Days |
7 |
Objectives/ Standards |
The normal distribution |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
Regression Analysis |
Chap |
3 |
Start |
09 - 08 |
End |
09 - 21 |
Days |
10 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Exploring bivariate data |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
IV. Nonlinear
Regression |
Chap |
4 |
Start |
09 - 22 |
End |
09 - 30 |
Days |
7 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Transformations to achieve linearity: logarithmic and power
transformations |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
V. Producing
Data |
Chap |
5 |
Start |
10 - 01 |
End |
10 - 12 |
Days |
8 |
Objectives/ Standards |
II. Sampling
and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study |
Assessment |
Exam |
Second Quarter
Unit |
Probability |
Chap |
6 |
Start |
10 - 13 |
End |
10 - 28 |
Days |
12 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Probability |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
VII. Binomial
& Geometric Distributions |
Chap |
7 & 8 |
Start |
11 - 02 |
End |
11 - 13 |
Days |
10 |
Objectives/ Standards |
random variables and their probability distributions, including
binomial and geometric |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
VIII. Sampling
Distributions Confidence Intervals |
Chap |
9 & 10a |
Start |
11 - 20 |
End |
12 - 02 |
Days |
12 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Estimating population
parameters and margins of error |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
Significance tests, t, z & proportions |
Chap |
10b to 12 |
Start |
02 - 03 |
End |
02 - 18 |
Days |
12 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
1st Semester Exam Review |
Start |
01 - 04 |
End |
01 - 11 |
Days |
Objectives/ Standards |
The 1st semester exam will
be a multiple choice AP Exam appropriately curved, yielding an early
prediction |
Third Quarter
Unit |
X. Chi Square
Test |
Chap |
13 |
Start |
01 - 22 |
End |
02 - 28 |
Days |
5 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Chi-square test for goodness of fit,
homogeneity of proportions, and independence |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
XI. Regression |
Chap |
14 |
Start |
01 - 29 |
End |
02 - 12 |
Days |
10 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Test for the slope of a least-squares
regression line |
Assessment |
Exam |
Unit |
XIII. Special
Projects |
Chap |
10 & 11 |
Start |
02 - 15 |
End |
05 - 03 |
Days |
16 |
Objectives/ Standards |
Assessment |
click here |
Fourth Quarter
Unit |
Review for AP Exam |
Start |
02 - 15 |
End |
05 - 03 |
Days |
26 |
Objectives/ Standards |
# 5 on AP
Exam |