Mr. Rogers - AP Statistics Objectives
Syllabus 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

Latin/Greek Root Words

arch--------->ancient, example: archtype;         chrono------>time, example: chronology;             -dom----------->quantity/state, example: freedom               fer-------->carry, example: transfer;               gen--------->birth, example: generate;                 luc-------->light, example lucid;                 neo--------->new, example: neonatologist;                olig--------->few, example: oligarchy;              omni--------->all, omniscient;            sym--------->together, symbol;

(Statistics connection)

Review and Special Topics

Essential Question: How can you pass the AP Exam?

Relevance: Check out the cost of a college class. Receiving college credit for AP Statistics is worth at least $1000. For most students in Mr. Rogers AP Statistics class (most are sophomores, a passing grade of 3 or higher will be seen by college recruiters. It is a badge of honor.

Schedule 2011

Schedule 2012

AP Statistics Scores
AP Grade 1997 % Correct 2002 % Correct 2007 % Correct
5 68-100 68-100 60-100
4 54-67 53-67 45-59
3 41-53 40-52 32-44
2 29-40 29-39 23-31
1 0-28 0-28 0-22
Our AP Test Hero: Sergeant Friday

Why: He writes everything down --"just the facts..."


The AP Statistics test is tough but doable!

AP Test Review and Special Projects. Most of the 4th quarter will be devoted to AP test Review. While a full quarter for review may sound like a lot, keep in mind that the test will be in May, hence we will lose about a month of possible classroom time. Also we lose a week for spring break in the 4th quarter.


Free response question preparation

Daily Assignment (formative assessment): work and grade 3 short free response problems or one long problem per day from old AP Statistics tests. After working the problem a student will trade papers with a partner who will grade it according to the official AP rubrics. Each paper will be signed by the person who grades it, have the grade from 0 to 4, and list the time spent on the problem.

Success Tips:

·        Use the test question's available space as a guide for how much to write. Write too much you'll go too slowly.

·        Know the rubrics--the AP Stats test is about documenting correct methods, not merely recording right answers.

·        State the restrictions on any analytical tool you use and be sure to justify the tool’s use. For example: if you use a t-distribution you should establish that the data is approximately normally distributed.

Grading: Students will turn in the completed problem sets for each year at a rate of every 2 to 3 days. Each completed set will receive a grade of 5 points (out of 5 pts possible). Each completed set beyond the 6th set will receive 3 points of extra credit. Problem sets can be found online at the statistics section of the American College Board site.

Using this system students will not only get feedback on their solutions but gain the benefit of evaluating another person's solution according to the AP Statistics philosophy. Students will typically work 4 to 8 sets of AP problems.



Multiple Choice Question Preparation

Weekly In-Class Tests (summative assessment): A multiple choice AP-type test will be given approximately once per week starting near the end of March. These will count 100 points each toward your grade. They will be curved to approximate an AP grading system. At worst 50% correct will be a "C". In addition, each student will receive an estimate from 1 to 5 of their future grade based on each test.

Take-Home Tests (formative assessment): A minimum of 2 multiple choice AP-type take-home tests will be given. These will count 50 points each and be curved but not as generously as the in-class tests. Your work is to be turned in on each question. You may collaborate with other students and may compare answers but only if each person has actually worked the problem and written down their work. Allowing a student to simply copy your answers is strictly forbidden and may result in a grade of zero for both of the students involved.

The Good News: The highest in-class test will be cloned to help compensate for having a bad day. Take-home tests will not be cloned.


Self Study

As mentioned on the first page, you will not reach your potential on the AP test without a lot of self study. This AP test study should start in December and be primarily based on the Barron's AP review book you have purchased. In addition a Princeton Review book will be provided in the 4th quarter for additional self study.


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