The AndSAM Project--Bringing Android Power to K-12 Classrooms


Android power to the classroom



 Android Programming Summer Camp





SAM Team


Greenville, SC


Home of AndSAM Project

What is the AndSAM Project?

The AndSAM project was one of 26 winners chose for the 2112 Google Rise Award from amoung 400 apllications worldwide.

The project will help bring smart-phone power to the K-12 classroom in ways that excite and engage students in learning about science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), and computer science.

Advanced Placement Computer Science students and members of Southside Automated Machines (SAM) Team, the high school's extra-curricular STEM club, will have the opportunity to use Android phones for engaging in real-world software development. With help from Clemson University, the software developers will create classroom applications to be used in STEM classrooms by a variety of students at all ability levels.

These apps will be evaluated by a team of Southside High School teachers who will provide customer feedback to the students developing the software. For the first time, these students will be producing a product that has to be continuously improved and maintained for actual customers.

SAMbox: The SAMbox is a key element for delivering Android power to the classroom. It will contain a classroom set of Android phones in a portable carrying case. Inside the phones will be connected to a USB hub for charging and rapid downloading of apps.

Using Android phones with the newly created software, science and math students at Southside High will have the opportunity to learn science and math in a new and engaging manner. Android phones not only contain a powerful computer but also a number of sensors such as a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis gyro, GPS, a camera, etc. that can be used for science and math experiments and demonstrations.

As an extension of both classroom and extra-curricular activities, the project will offer an Android phone programming summer camp.

The project represents a new collaborative effort between the students and educators at Southside High School in Greenville, SC and the School of Computing at Clemson University in Clemson, SC, and builds on the highly successful foundation established at Southside High School by the Southside Automated Machines (SAM) program in motivating and educating pre-college students in STEM and computing disciplines.

Why Android Phones?

The cell phone has become the most common place high tech device in the world with over 4.6 billion in worldwide use . As these wear out, it's inevitable that a many will be replaced with smart-phones. Cell phones are already a world-changing technology. Imagine the impact smart phones will have.

For starters, smart phones can be versatile, cost-effective pieces of technology for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) classrooms. They contain numerous sensors and devices--that would cost more than the price of the phone to purchase separately--in a convenient hand-held package. Combining the sensors with the right kinds of apps, we can put a very cool piece of 21st century technology in the hands of students for doing science and math.

Considering the accessible way they can be programmed, Androids are the smart phone of choice for high school computer science classes. This opens up the possibility for advanced computer science students to develop STEM related applications that can be used by students at every ability level.

Hopefully, as the two year contract for Android phones runs out and their users decide to upgrade, they will consider donating their old Androids for use in K-12 education, providing a free source of 21st century technology for the classroom.


The AndSAM Mission Statement

  • To bring Android phone power to the classroom as a tool for exciting students about STEM and computer science possibilities.
  • To experience and better understand the innovation process--the type that might be used for a business start up--by developing new 21st century technology for STEM and Computer Science classrooms and other useful applications as they are identified.
  • To increase its participant's skills, and enthusiasm in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and Computer Science.
  • To promote STEM and Computer Science learning activities beyond our classrooms through presentations, web pages, and other forms of outreach.
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Android Phone Donations
When your Android phone contract runs out and you want to upgrade, please consider donating the old one to us. To donate an Android contact Tom Rogers at We promise to put you donated phone to good use in both our computer science and physics our class rooms (see possible application at right).

AndSAM Project | SAM Team | IB Comp Sci Android | AP Comp Sci