/**Practice Test Chap 5 & 6, Data Types, Variables, and Arithmetic
 * @author T. K. Rogers @version 10-4-05 */
public class IntMath { 
public static void main ( ) {
        int        intAnswer,
                    a = 2,
                    b = 3,
                    c = 4;
        double doubleAnswer,
                    x = 4,
                    y = 6,
                    z = 8;
/* 1*/   intAnswer = (a + b) % b / c * (2 * a) / c + 8 ;
                    System.out.println ("1) " + intAnswer) ;
/* 2*/   intAnswer = (a + (b % b)) / ((c * (2 * a)) / c) + 7 ;
                    System.out.println ("2) " + intAnswer) ;
/* 3*/   intAnswer = 1 - ((a + b) % b / c) * (2 * (a / c));
                    System.out.println ("3) " + intAnswer);
/* 4*/   intAnswer = (int) y % b + (int) (x / z * b)/ (int)z;
                    System.out.println ("4) " + intAnswer);
/* 5*/   intAnswer = (b / c)* (4 * (a + (b + c)) / c) + 5;
                    System.out.println ("5) " + intAnswer);
/* 6*/   doubleAnswer = z * (b / c) + a;
                    System.out.println ("6) " + doubleAnswer);
/* 7*/   doubleAnswer = y % b + (int)(x / z * b)/(int)(z * z)/9 + 3;
                    System.out.println ("7) " + doubleAnswer);
/* 8*/   doubleAnswer =  1-(y % b + (int)(x / z * b)/(int)(z * z));
                    System.out.println ("8) " + doubleAnswer);
/* 9*/   doubleAnswer = 3 + (a /12) * b * (z* x * y + 2 * z)/ z * 17.0 ;
                    System.out.println ("9) " + doubleAnswer);
/*10*/  doubleAnswer = 12 * (b/a) * z* (double)(a/c);
                    System.out.println ("10) " + doubleAnswer);
} /*
11)  Write the output for the above program.
12)  Write a software on-off switch which turns off (changes from one to zero) at an
       integer value of 5
13)  Write a short program which uses command line input to input an integer value
       and test to see if it is evenly divisible by 17. The program will outputs a 1 if
       evenly divisible and a 0 if not.
14)  Write a short code segment which takes a double called dollars that
       represents money and rounds tenths of cents up.         */


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