Practice Test: AP Physics C Vectors 

Unit Plan Practice Test Study Guide

AP Physics C Practice Test Vector Addition


Name _____________________________ Period _____________ Date __________________

Assume magic land conditions on all problems unless stated otherwise. In other words there is no air resistance or friction.



An object accelerates downward at 3 m/s/s what is the direction of the net force acting on the object?
Downward. The net force and acceleration go in the same direction



An object is displaced 90 meters to the north. What is the direction of the object's average velocity?
To the north. The displacement and velocity go in the same direction.



What is the relationship of the magnitudes of a vectors components?



What is the relationship of the directions of a vectors components?
Right angles. Remember, components align with either the x, y, or z axis.



A vector has a y-component of 23 N and an x-component of - 37 N. Find the vector's magnitude.
Magnitude = 43.6



If a ball is throw with a velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 37 degrees above the horizontal, what is its horizontal velocity component?
40 m/s



When adding two vectors, the resultant will be greatest when the angle between the two vectors is _________________.
0 degrees, They're in the same dimension and going in the same direction.



The x-component of a vector = 30 and the y-component = 40. Find the angle of the resultant vector.
53 degrees



You have a 12 N force and a 5 N force. When they are added together, what are the maximum and minimum magnitude possible forces? Assume you can manipulate the angle.
Max = 17, min = 7



Calculate the minimum time for Running Bear to swim across a raging river with a current of 2.5 m/s if he can swim at 2.0 m/s and the raging river is 100 m wide.
Min time = 50 sec


Calculate the time for Running Bear to swim straight across a raging river with a current of 1.5 m/s if he can swim at 2.0 m/s and the raging river is 100 m wide.
Time = 76 sec



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