 * Demonstrates how the data inside an object
 * can be output by overriding toString ( ) .
 * @author tkrogers
 * @version 10-01-20011
public class ToStringDemo {
    SomeObject object1 = new SomeObject( ) ;
    public static void main ( ) {
        // The tsd instance is being created so that
        // the instance method, output1 can be called in
        // main. Otherwise, main can't call an instance method.
        ToStringDemo tsd = new ToStringDemo ( ) ;
        String y = "" + 9 ; // 9 is concatenated to a null
                            // string and becomes a string.     
        System.out.println ( y );
        tsd.output1 ( ) ;
    public void output1 ( ) {
        String s = object1.toString ( ) ;
        // When an object is used as an argument the toString
        // method is automatically called for the object. This
        // converts the object to a sting as defined in the
        // toString method.
        System.out.println ( object1 ) ;
        System.out.println ( s ) ; // Another way to use toString