- /** This program demonstrates some basic
features of scope. Scope defines
- * the region in a program where
a variable exists and can be used.
- *
- * @author TK Rogers
- * @version 10-26-10 */
- public class ScopeDemo {
- private int x =
2; // Creates a field called x with a scope inside the
// ScopeDemo class.
- public static void
main ( ) {
- ScopeDemo s = new
ScopeDemo ( ); // Creates a local instance with a
// scope inside main.
int x = 12; // Creates a local variable called x
with a scope inside main
- System.out.println (
"In main instance x = " + s.x + " local main x = " + x );
- s.alter ( );
- s.x = 23;
- s.alter ( );
- System.out.println (
"In main instance x = " + s.x + " local main x = " + x );
- {
// This pair of brackets could be attached to a
statement such as a
// for-loop or if statement. Any
variable created here will only have
// a scope inside the brackets.
int z = 500; // Creates a
local variable called z with a scope inside the { }
System.out.println ( "In main instance {z} = " + z );
- }
// At this point the variable z ceases to exist.
// Try uncommenting the line shown below and the program
- // will not compile. Why?
// System.out.println ( "In main instance z = " + z );
- }
- public void alter
( ) {
- System.out.print ( "In
alter instance x = " + x );
int x = 70; // Creates a local variable called x
with a scope inside alter
- System.out.println ( "
local alter x = " + x );
- //
Try uncommenting the line shown below and the program
- // will not compile. Why?
// System.out.print ( "instance x = " + s.x );
- }
- }