 * Creates a multiplication table.
 * @author TK Rogers
 * @version 12-23-10
public class MultiplicationTable1 {
	public static void  main ( ) {
	    // Good programming practice: use a variable constant
	    // (final) if a number is used in multiple places, then
	    // only one line of code must be altered to change the size.
	    final int N = 10 ;
	    // for-loop below centers title. Why use a for-loop?
	    // if the size of the table is changed the title stays 
	    // approximately in the center
	    for ( int v = 2 ; v <= N / 2 ; v++ ) {
	        System.out.print ( "\t" ) ; // Tabs N/2 times.
	    // table's title
	    System.out.print ( "Multiplication Table \n\n") ;
	    // for-loop below prints x values.
	    for ( int z = 2 ; z <= N ; z++ ) {
	        System.out.print ( "\t" + z ) ;
	    System.out.println ( "\n" ) ;
        // for-loop below prints y values & x * y products.
	    for ( int x = 2 ; x <= N ; x++ ) {
            	System.out.print ( x ) ; 
            	for ( int y = 2 ; y <= N ; y++ ) {
                		System.out.print (  "\t" + ( x * y ) ) ;
            	System.out.println ( "\n" ) ;