 * This class defines the main frame for the Layout manager
 * program
import java.awt.* ;
import javax.swing.* ;
public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
// define north panel and components
JPanel northPanel = new JPanel ( ) ;
JButton resetButton = new JButton ( "Reset" ) ;
JButton exitButton = new JButton ( "Exit" ) ;
// define east panel and components
JPanel eastPanel = new JPanel ( ) ;
JCheckBox northCheck = new JCheckBox ( "North" ) ;
JCheckBox southCheck = new JCheckBox ( "South" ) ;
JCheckBox westCheck = new JCheckBox ( "West" ) ;
JCheckBox centerCheck = new JCheckBox ( "Center" ) ;
// define west panel and components
JPanel westPanel = new JPanel ( ) ;
JRadioButton red = new JRadioButton ( "Red", false ) ;
JRadioButton green = new JRadioButton ( "Green", false ) ;
JRadioButton blue = new JRadioButton ( "Blue", false ) ;
JRadioButton black = new JRadioButton ( "Black", true ) ;
ButtonGroup colorGroup = new ButtonGroup ( ) ;
// define center panel and components
JPanel centerPanel  = new JPanel ( ) ;
JButton northButton = new JButton ( "North" ) ;
JButton southButton = new JButton ( "South" ) ;
JButton eastButton = new JButton ( "East" ) ;
JButton westButton = new JButton ( "West" ) ;
JButton centerButton = new JButton ( "Center" ) ;
// define south panel and components
JPanel southPanel = new JPanel ( ) ;
JTextField northStatus = new JTextField ( 10 ) ;
JTextField westStatus = new JTextField ( 10 ) ;
JTextField centerStatus = new JTextField ( 10 ) ;
 * The constructor 
public MainFrame ( String str ) {
super ( str ) ;
// add the components to each panel and sets its format
northPanel.setLayout ( new FlowLayout ( FlowLayout.CENTER ) ) ;
northPanel.add ( resetButton ) ;
northPanel.add ( exitButton ) ;
eastPanel.setLayout ( new GridLayout ( 4,1 ) ) ;
eastPanel.add (northCheck ) ;
eastPanel.add (southCheck ) ;
eastPanel.add (westCheck ) ;
eastPanel.add (centerCheck ) ;
westPanel.setLayout ( new GridLayout ( 4,1 ) ) ;
westPanel.add ( red ) ;
westPanel.add ( green ) ;
westPanel.add ( blue ) ;
westPanel.add ( black ) ;
// Adding buttons into a ButtonGroup object allows only
// one button at a time to be selected
colorGroup.add ( red ) ;
colorGroup.add ( green ) ;
colorGroup.add ( blue ) ;
colorGroup.add ( black ) ;
centerPanel.setLayout ( new BorderLayout ( ) ) ;
centerPanel.add ( northButton, "North") ;
centerPanel.add (southButton, "South") ;
centerPanel.add (eastButton, "East") ;
centerPanel.add (westButton, "West") ;
centerPanel.add (centerButton, "Center") ;
southPanel.setLayout ( new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER ) ) ;
southPanel.add ( northStatus ) ;
southPanel.add ( westStatus ) ;
southPanel.add ( centerStatus ) ;
// set up panels in frame
this.getContentPane ( ).setLayout(new BorderLayout ( ) ) ;
getContentPane ( ).add(northPanel, "North" ) ;
getContentPane ( ).add(southPanel, "South" ) ;
getContentPane( ).add(eastPanel, "East" ) ;
getContentPane( ).add(westPanel, "West" ) ;
getContentPane( ).add(centerPanel, "Center" ) ;