 * Times nested loops run
 * @author TK Rogers
 * @version 12-24-10
public class LoopsTimesRun
    public static void main ( ) {
         int outerLoopCounter = 0 , // counts the # of times the outer loo; runs
             innerLoopCounter = 0 ;  // counts the # of times the inner loo; runs}
         for ( int x = 0 ; x < 3 ; x++ ) {     // outer loop
             for ( int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++ ) { // inner loop
                 innerLoopCounter++ ;
             outerLoopCounter++ ;
         System.out.println ( "inner loop ran " + innerLoopCounter + " times, ") ;
         System.out.print ( "outer loop ran " + outerLoopCounter + " times, ") ;