AP/IB Computer Science II Project - Define the Key Working Data Stuctures

These are the data structures which exists in RAM when the program is running. Options include various forms of:

Required Type Pros Cons
X Arrays The work horse of data structures. Relatively easy to program and use. Fixed length low degree of flexibility.
  Enumerations Similar to a structures but define limited number of values for specific variables. Limited applications
  Structures (see classes)  
X Classes Allows variables of different data types to be attached to a single object. This is the mainstay of object oriented programming. Can be complex.
XX  Linked Lists Data can be easily added  or deleted from any part of the list Searching and accessing data from the list is more complex than for an array.
XX Binary Trees Data can be easily added  or deleted from any part of the list while maintaining it in order. This is an excellent structure for large data bases where it's essential to keep the data ranked using a key. Accessing data from the list is more complex than for an array.
XX - Class Requirement in addition to IB requirements