Essential Question: Is a
design ever finished? |
The Design Process
Take an Invention from Concept to
Prototype - the Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam method
- conduct literature searches on
- conduct patent searches
- find clients and customers willing to
help develop the idea
- write a design brief including a Lemelson-MIT type invention
- run simulations of basic concepts using
programs such as Interactive Physics
- develop time line plans (Gantt charts)
using Excel
- develop a detailed
materials list using Excel
- make drawings: detailed (three views) and 3D using CAD
- build prototypes
- assemble a final report which will sell
the idea to potential investors.
- Prepare a design brief: The formal
starting point of the design, states the expectations and design
problem. Does not provide the solution.
The design brief
states the intended outcome and the major constraints within which it
must be achieved.
Problem Statement -
defines the problem to be addressed or solved
by the design example: people confined to wheel chairs
typically cannot go up or down stairs in them.
- describe what is to be accomplished by the design. example: produce a working
prototype for evaluating possible volume production of a stair climbing wheel
target market
- define who is the customer to be served.
example: handicapped adults
major constraints
- which place constraints on design. example:
laws, manufacturing costs, etc.
- the criterion that a good design should meet.
example: cost effectiveness, adequate battery life, quick recharge time
What is a design brief? A design brief concisely
describes the problem to be solved and the environment it exists
in. The design brief is a starting point or initial proposal that
describes what a solution should accomplish but does not describe
the solution. |
- Develop a specification from the design brief
culminating in a final product design specification (PDS).
Contains evaluation criterion
- a full list of of the criteria against which the design can be evaluated,
limits - define the range of
- demands - requirements or features
which must be met
wishes - requirements which should
be met
What is the difference between a design brief and a PDS?
The PDS is developed from the design brief and is simply a more
detailed and precise version of it. A PDS is completed before
listing alternative solutions. PDSs are based on thorough
research. |
- Define and give examples of:
- incremental design
- radical design
- Explain how incremental and radical design can combine with incremental and
radical thinking.
- fiberglass pole for pole vaulting- incremental design change,
radical performance improvement
- hybrid engine - radical design change in power plant produces
no change in driving performance or infrastructure requirements.
- hydrogen fuel - incremental change in fuel causes radical
change in automobile design and infrastructure requirements.
The Design Cycle Model
Draw and explain the IB simple design cycle model (DMC).
Researching and specifications --PDS
Generating ideas --3
alternatives = minimum
Developing the chosen solution --drawings,
simulations, calculations, model building, etc.
Realizing the chosen
solution --building the prototype
Testing and evaluating the chosen

IB Design Technology Diploma Program Guide, 2009, p. 46 |
Assessment --
Decision Matrix Exercise
IB Standard:
DMC--Generating ideas
Using internet resources such as the
Occupational Outlook Handbook Select a minimum of 4 career choices
that appeal to you
Select a minimum of four criterion you consider important in selecting a
career and rate them from 1 to 5. It's okay to use a number more than once
or not use a particular number. For example you could have two criterion
rated as 4 and none rated as one. However, all criterion should not have
the exact same rating.
Evaluate your career alternatives from 1 to 5 against each of the
criterion and use a spread sheet to create a decision matrix.
Select a best career.
Deliverable: Place the Excel file in the IB Design
Technology folder of your student drive.
Work Group: Individual. |
Explain why the IB simple design cycle
is not linear, and why it is iterative
in practice.
New information and ideas surface as the
design process proceeds
customer requirements can change as the design
process proceeds
Parts of the project will proceed in parallel and
hence overlap
Explain why elements of the model may
differ in importance according to the particular design context.
Applications of The Design Cycle Model
Outline three limitations of the IB
simple design cycle.
-- no overlap
assumes no iteration
give equal weight to all activities
individuals who do not choose design related careers such as engineering
or architecture will often have to interface with design professionals.
Internet entrepreneur often need to design their web sites.
Essential Question: How
do you generate design and invention ideas? |
Generating Ideas
constructive discontent.
dissatisfaction with what exists and the desire to make the situation better.
Describe the relevance of constructive discontent for
Define adaptation.
a solution to a problem may be found by finding something similar from another context and adapting it.
Describe the relevance of analogies to designers.
Odd, remote or strange analogies used to stimulate new
ideas. Examples:
Use attribute listing.
Identify key attributes of a product
or process
think of ways to change, modify or
improve each attribute.
- Activity for 4-Person groups:
- Improving the Umbrella
- Working as individuals, list the key attributes of an umbrella
- Combine the individual lists into a single list for the group.
- List ways to change each attribute
- Develop a new product that has the attributes of an umbrella
but represents an improved design.
Use morphological synthesis .
Use brainstorming.
done in a small group setting
all participants are given equal
participants interact with each other's
criticism is deferred
divergent thinking.
convergent thinking.
Convergent thinking is analytical and solution focused, eg
used at the research stage and during evaluation.
solution focused - how can the
problem be solved?
evaluates alternatives
favors closure
used at research stage and during
used for incremental design
Describe relationship of convergent and divergent thinking to the elements of the DCM.
Assessment --
Continuous Brainstorming
IB Standard:
DMC--Generating ideas
- Generate and write a
brief description of three invention ideas per week and record them in the
Excel file provided.
Evaluate another student's ideas each week and record your thoughts in their
Excel file.
Ideas have to be doable at least by NASA.
Generally you will choose an item from the list to prototype for your major
project due in the 3rd quarter.
Ideas must solve a problem or fulfill a need for
some identifiable group of potential customers.
Weapon inventions are prohibited with the exception of
devices designed to capture or control violent people with a minimum of harm.
Deliverable: Maintain the
Excel file in the IB Design
Technology folder of your student drive.
Work Group: Individual. |
The ability to
generate ideas or alternative solutions is a powerful skill that can not only
solve immediate problems but lead to successful careers or successful
entrepreneurial ventures.
Essential Question:
is communication a critical part of the design process? |
Measuring Dimensions
Correctly use rulers, squares, and dial indicating calipers to
measure dimensions.
State the estimated uncertainty in a measuring instrument's
reading. Typically ± 1/2 (smallest scale division)
Design Communication
Describe the purpose of freehand
drawing in the design process. (Rapid communication and
development of ideas).
Describe the advantages of CAD
(computer aided design).
Speeds prototyping and manufacturing. CAD drawings can
often be fed directly into manufacturing equipment.
Shortens drawing time: dimensioning, for example is
Increases drawing accuracy: Eliminates much of the
opportunity for human error. Dimensions can often be pulled directly off
Facilitates changes: There is no need to erase when making
modifications and little to no chance of "losing scale" (in other words,
making a drawing that does not exactly match the part's shape).
Describe the disadvantages of CAD.
Name and describe the different
types of drawings used in design communication.
Orthographic Drawing:
A 2D line drawing showing a front, top, and side view of an object,
oriented exactly as shown in the example at right,
complete with dimensions. Especially useful for manufacturing.
Hidden lines are dashed lines
(1 point).
Dimension lines are thinner (1/2 point) than drawing lines
(1 point).
Dimension line extensions from views do not touch the view.
Arrowheads on dimension lines are solid
Center lines: alternating long and short dashes the
thickness of dimension lines
Lists materials of construction
Drawing--frequently used by engineers:
A 3D line drawing showing a part tilted at a specified angle. Parallel
lines are represented as parallel. No effort is made to show
perspective. Generally, hidden lines are not shown nor are dimensions
given. Used primarily for representing how the part will look. (See
example at right.)
Drawing--frequently used by architects:
A 3D drawing used for evaluating the appearance of a large object such as a
building. The drawing accurately depicts the object as it will look to the
human eye. For example, parallel lines, such as railroad tracks, going
away from the viewer will appear to converge. The
apparent reduction in the size of an object's parts that are further away
from the viewer is called foreshortening. Hidden lines are not shown
nor are dimensions given. colors, shading, and textures are often
used in perspective drawings.
Exploded Isometric
Drawing: A 3D line drawing showing
the parts of an object as though they have flow or "exploded" a short
distance apart. Generally, hidden lines are not shown nor are
dimensions given. The exploded drawing helps reveal how an object is
assembled and helps show an object's interior.
Use the basic drawing tools in
Adobe Illustrator to create orthographic drawings.
Assessment --
IB Standard:
There is no direct IB standard but
this assessment will help familiarize students with Adobe Illustrator and this
will be one of the main drawing packages used for various design projects.
- Using Adobe Illustrator create a human-like image out of a star
The image should have realistic looking
colors and make use of gradients to give a 3D appearance.
The figure should have correct
It is not necessary to draw a face hair or hands.
Write a title in the shape of an oval above starman using the
type on a path tool.
Deliverable: Place the completed
Illustrator file in the IB Design
Technology folder of your student drive.
Work Group: Individual. |
Assessment -- Orthographic Drawing Exercise
IB Standard:
Orthographic Drawing
Specifications: measure the dimensions of
3 different real world objects and
sketch an orthographic drawing of each complete with dimensions. Use the
sketch to create an orthographic drawing using Adobe Illustrator. The
drawing must be properly dimensioned, show hidden lines and include all three
views of the object.
Deliverable: Place the completed Illustrator file in the IB Design
Technology folder of your student drive.
Work Group: Individual |
Learning how to make simple drawings using
graphics software is a useful skill for almost any career path a student
might choose. Aside
from product design, graphics skill can be used in making presentations,
poster, brochures, etc.
Essential Question:
is algorithmic thinking? |
Using Algorithmic Thinking in Design
Define algorithm.
Draw a simple flow chart using
Parallelogram: input or output of information
Rectangle: step or operation in a process
Diamond: asks a question or makes a decision with a
yes/no or true/false answer
Assessment -- Flow Chart of an Algorithm
IB Standard:
Draw a simple flow chart using
Specifications: Using PowerPoint, create a flow chart of an
algorithm that you commonly perform. The flow chart must contain at least 3
decisions, 5 steps, and one output.
Deliverable: Place the completed
PowerPoint file in the IB Design
Technology folder of your student drive.
Work Group: Individual |
Flow charts are commonly used in industry
to describe processes and computer software systems. A
basic knowledge of flow charts will be helpful to careers in business,
computing, engineering, or manufacturing.
Essential Question:
do models differ from the real world situations they simulate? |
Using Models in Design
List key characteristics of
Outline the advantages and disadvantages mathematical
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Accuracy |
applications |
Predictive power |
High skill required |
Flexible |
Fast |
Outline the
advantages and disadvantages of physical models.
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Allows Mechanical
testing |
Hard to modify |
Accurate appearance |
Time consuming to build |
Detects clearance problems easily |
Scaling problems |
Detects fabrication and assembly problems |
Describe how spread sheet software
can be used in the development of mathematical models.
Assessment -- Mathematical Model
IB Standard:
Describe how spread sheet software
can be used in the development of mathematical models.
Background: The American college Board publishes data about the AP
Statistics Exam passing rate vs. combined PSAT verbal and math scores. Using
this data it is possible to predict the probability of passing the AP Exam for
a student by knowing the student's PSAT data. A prediction can be made for
every student in a class. The average of these predictions should indicate the
passing rate for the class. This predicted passing rate can be used for
teacher evaluation. If a teacher exceeds the passing rate by a significant
amount, he or she can be considered above average.
Using Excel, plot a graph of "probability of passing AP
Statistics" vs. "combined math and verbal PSAT score".
Fit this data with
a 6th order polynomial model.
- Use this model to predict AP Statistics Exam passing rate
for the simulated class shown below. Note you will need to use about
decimal places in the model's coefficients to get good results.
Deliverable: The spread sheet file with the graph, mathematical
model, and estimate of class passing rate.
Name |
Math |
PSAT Verbal |
Bob |
60 |
60 |
Martha |
65 |
70 |
Juan |
58 |
49 |
Jamal |
68 |
72 |
Mary Sue |
29 |
47 |
Carman |
39 |
43 |
Herman |
40 |
45 |
Silvia |
48 |
53 |
Combined math and verbal PSAT scores |
Probability of passing AP Statistics |
158 |
99.7 |
153 |
98.7 |
147 |
97 |
143 |
95.9 |
139 |
93.2 |
133 |
89.2 |
129 |
82.9 |
123 |
77.1 |
119 |
68.5 |
113 |
58.2 |
109 |
48.2 |
103 |
38 |
99 |
27 |
93 |
19.4 |
89 |
12.1 |
83 |
7.6 |
79 |
5.5 |
73 |
3.8 |
69 |
1.5 |
Knowing how to create and use mathematical models is
a powerful time-saving accuracy-improving tool that will be extremely useful
in college and in a wide variety of careers including education, business,
accounting, engineering, the computer professions, etc.
Summative Assessment: Test Objectives 1-30
Note: Items highlighted in this
are directly related to the 2009 IB Syllabus which is the set of standards for
the class. In many cases the wording has been altered, but every attempt has
been made to preserve the meaning. These objective, however, should not be
considered a substitute for the actual syllabus.