Practice Test: Mr Rogers AP Physics C -- Friction

Unit Plan Practice Test Study Guide

Online Quiz - Friction                                                             Q10C3-4F07


AP Physics Friction Practice Test

1 ) A block of mass = 2M is stacked atop a block of mass = M. The sliding COF between the blocks = 0.8 and between the lower block and floor is 0.1. A force = F is applied to the top block parallel to the ground. Find the acceleration of the lower block.
2 ) Find the acceleration of a box of mangos sliding down a slope of 40 degrees. Assume the dynamic COF = 0.2 and the static COF = 0.3. Would doubling the number of mangos in the box have any effect on the acceleration?
3 ) If the above box of mangos rests on a 20 degree slope, will it slide?
4 ) Find the static COF if the box of mangos starts to slide if the angle of the slope =  30 degrees. 
5 ) The tires on Martha's 4WD SUV  have a static COF = 0.7 and a dynamic COF = 0.5 with the road surface. What is her maximum acceleration and minimum stopping distance if her SUV's velocity is 40 m/s?
6 ) If Martha's SUV is only 2WD, what is the effect on her maximum acceleration (speeding up) and minimum stopping distance (slowing down)? Assume the static COF's are the same for all wheels and that the car's mass is evenly distributed (half over the front tires and half over the back tires).


7 ) Juan pushes downward on a box of mass = M with a force = 2Mg that makes a 45 degree angle with the horizon. By contrast Susan pulls upward on a similar box with a similar force and angle. Both boxes sit on a surface with a sliding COF = 0.2 and a static COF = 0.3. Find the acceleration of both boxes.



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