Mr. Rogers' IB Design Technology

IB Design Technology - Major Individual Design Project Requirements:

Essential Question: How can you take an idea and turn it into working prototype?

A personal design project is required for each IB Design Tech Student. These projects count as 18% of the score that determines the level of IB credit.


Each student will maintain a logbook using a standard bound composition book. The book should include a title page. Entries should be dated and in order. The log book is an informal personal record of any investigations or mini-projects done in support of  the main project. Pages are to be numbered and written in ink on one side of the paper. Any mistakes should be crossed out with a single line so that they are still readable. The logbook should include:

  • design ideas
  • sketches
  • evaluations
  • notes on meetings and information found
  • details of decisions taken during the project.


Your log book is a legal document which could be used in court to defend patent claims. Although it is informal and will likely include brainstorming ideas, the entries must be detailed enough so that people reading them in court could understand what you are doing. In industry, a second person would be required to read, sign, and date the pages as a witness. If you think you might want to get a patent, you should have a witness sign your pages, but it is not a requirement.


Final Project Report
The project report is to be contained a single Word document with the possible exception of CAD drawings.
It should make copious use of numbered lists and bullet statements as well as sub headings. Remember, that milestones are the dress rehearsal for the final project report. In other words, they must meet the same standards other than they will be in more than one document.
  • Font: 10 to 12 point single space

  • Headings and sub titles: Use the headings and subtitles shown below. Put all headings and subtitles in bold type. Otherwise use bold sparingly

  • Bulleted and numbered lists: use often

  • Spelling: Zero tolerance--any spelling error that should have been detected with spell check will result in an automatic deduction.

  • Clarity of writing: Poorly worded or unclear writing will result in deductions. You need to proof read your work then have a friend read it to evaluate clarity.

  • Do not use first person singular or 2nd person. Avoid cutesy stuff. This is a document that could be read by an engineering manager or venture capitalist

  • Be quantitative: use numbers. Avoid phrases like too expensive, a little too much, perfect size, about right, etc.

  • State a basis for every number: Even a quick estimate should have a basis.

  • Have a basis for major design feature: These may be performance related, cost related, fabrication related, appearance related, etc. Don't add anything to your design unless you can give a reason to do so.


Building Projects

During the 3rd quarter we will take class time to build actual prototypes of projects or scale models of them to demonstrate the concepts in their design. During this time students will be expected to do one of 3 activities:

  • work on their project--either the written part or actually building the project

  • assist someone else with their project

  • clean up



IB Standard/Rubric


Title Page
Must include the title of your project, your name, the name of the class, and the date. The title should be descriptive.
Table of Contents
This means that pages must be numbered.
I. Purpose or goal
  1. Problem Statement: In quantitative terms, explain why the question is significant or needs to be answered. What are the possible applications? What problems could be solved by answering the question? This section does not propose any particular solution.

Example: According to the World Health Organization, "every year more than 3.4 million people die as a result of water related diseases, making it the leading cause of disease and death around the world."

Erik Peterson, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington says that, "at any given time, close to half the population of the developing world is suffering from waterborne diseases associated with inadequate provision of water and sanitation services,"

Centralized water purification plants with major distribution systems are beyond the means of most citizens of these countries.

  1. Research and/or Design question. This section states the question to be addressed by the project without addressing the solution. It should be quantitative and specific and include the basic elements of an IB design brief.

    Example: Can a water purification system be build which will cost less than five dollars, be capable of removing 99.99 % of all water born pathogens, and meet the water needs for a family of 5 in a third world country, without any maintenance for at least 5 years?

    Due Nov 16, 2010


Aspect 1: Defining the problem
Identifies a focused
problem for a design
project or investigation.


Aspect 2: Formulating a brief or research question.
States a detailed brief or research question that is appropriate to the level of study
0.5 to 1  
II. Background
  1. Literature Search Summary - Briefly discuss and summarize of the findings from at least 3 sources listed in the references section. The Wikipedia is a good place to start but is not a source.
  2. Patent Search summary -  List the key words used in your patent search and any related patents including their dates. List any similar commercially available products. Summarize the above information and draw a conclusion about whether your proposed device is patentable.
  3. Customer Input - Briefly describe an identified customer's input.
  4. Bibliography - minimum of 3 in addition to any patents.
  5. Alternative Solutions - Should very briefly describe at least 3 alternatives and contain a decision matrix used to select the top alternative. (Refer to II - D for the criterion to be used in the decision matrix.) Reasons should be given for the weighting factors used in the decision matrix.


Due Dec 10, 2010


Aspect 1: Strategies
Identifies suitable
strategies for research.
Aspect 2: Data collection
Collects appropriate research material.
Aspect 3: Data processing and analysis
Processes research material astutely with detailed analysis.


Aspect 3: Selecting variables or specifications
Selects and explains appropriate variables or specifications.
2 to 5  
III. Proposed Solution:
  1. Conceptual Design Write a description of the design of your prototype, mock-up, and/or proof-of-concept model and how you constructed it. Include labeled design drawings drawing and at least one photograph of it along with a materials list.
  2. Procedure for designing and building the prototype: After reviewing this section, a skilled craftsman should be able to build your build the devices you've described.



Aspect 1: Creativity
Uses a range of innovative ideas to solve the problem.


Aspect 2: Techniques
Uses a wide range of appropriate techniques.


Aspect 3: Solution
Arrives at a good solution to the problem.
2 to 4  
Evaluation of Proposed Solution Proof of Concept This is the procedure for the experiment you performed to evaluate your project. Describe your experimental procedure using bullet statements where appropriate. Include a well labeled diagram of the equipment used in the experiment showing the relationship of the parts.


This is an if-then statement that tells how you will answer the performance related part of the research question by testing the prototype device you have designed and built or by one or more proof-of-concept experiments.

You will describe the independent, dependent, and control variables to be used in the testing.


Aspect 3: Selecting variables or specifications
Selects and explains appropriate variables or specifications.


V. Data and Analysis:
  1. Cost Analysis: should include an Excel spread sheet with a cost analysis of the prototype or final version of the project.
  2. Raw experimental/testing data: This is the data collected in prototype testing or for proof of concept experiment. It is to be listed in tables which indicate the units used. Multiple data points must be collected with replication of at least some data points
  3. Sample calculations: Detail a sample calculation for each type of calculation. These must show the starting equation, the numbers substituted in with units, and the final result with units.
  4. Processed data:  This will be in the form of a table or graph. Processed data may include calculation of the mean and standard deviation or other statistical analysis. Graphs should show lines of best fit or trend line. Typically they should not be connect-the-dots graphs.


Aspect 1: Creativity
Uses a range of innovative ideas to solve the problem.


Aspect 2: Techniques
Uses a wide range of appropriate techniques.


Aspect 3: Solution
Arrives at a good solution to the problem.
1 to 5  
VI. Conclusion and Evaluation
  1. Conclusion: Answer the research question based on the proposal made in the Hypothesis. Judge the success of how the whole project was managed. Be sure to include cost analysis where appropriate.
  2. Evaluation of Procedure: Evaluate the procedures used at each design stage. evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the solution using both qualitative and quantitative techniques.
  3. Recommendations for future work: Discuss possible improvements and future work.

Note: Never introduce new facts or data in this section.


Aspect 1: Conclusion
Provides clear evidence of a valid conclusion that addresses the brief or research question.
Aspect 2: Procedure
Includes comprehensive evaluation of procedures at each stage of the investigation or project.
Aspect 3: Recommendations
Makes realistic recommendations for improvement.


0.5 to 2  
Final Project   8.5 to 20 Feb 29

200 pts

Science Fair Entry Forms
All students must fill out and turn in the paperwork before the deadline as though their project is going to the science fair. Projects chosen for the science fair will receive up to 20 points of extra credit, 10 in the 3rd quarter and 10 in the 4th quarter. Zeros will be given to those who do not turn in the paperwork.
    10 pts
Science Fair Backboard
Projects chosen for the science fair will receive up to 20 points of extra credit, 10 in the 3rd quarter and 10 in the 4th quarter. Zeros will be given to those who do not turn in a backboard before the deadline for printing.

Science Fair Info


50 pts


  5 - 15 260