Mr. Rogers' IB Design Technology

IB Design Technology - Major Individual Design Project Requirements:


Each student will maintain a logbook using a standard bound composition book. The book should include a title page. Entries should be dated and in order. The log book is an informal personal record of any investigations or mini-projects done in support of  the main project. Pages are to be numbered and written in ink on one side of the paper. Any mistakes should be crossed out with a single line so that they are still readable. The logbook should include:

  • design ideas
  • sketches
  • evaluations
  • notes on meetings and information found
  • details of decisions taken during the project.


Your log book is a legal document which could be used in court to defend patent claims. Although it is informal and will likely include brainstorming ideas, the entries must be detailed enough so that people reading them in court could understand what you are doing. In industry, a second person would be required to read, sign, and date the pages as a witness. If you think you might want to get a patent, you should have a witness sign your pages, but it is not a requirement.


Log Book Checks (25 pts each ) Nov 8th Dec 6th Jan 10th Feb 16
Final Project Report
The project report is to be contained a single Word document with the possible exception of CAD drawings.
It should make copious use of numbered lists and bullet statements as well as sub headings
  • Font: 10 to 12 point single space

  • Headings and sub titles: Use the headings and subtitles shown below. Put all headings and subtitles in bold type. Otherwise use bold sparingly

  • Bulleted and numbered lists: use often

  • Do not use first person singular. Avoid cutesy stuff. This is a document that could be read by and engineering manager or venture capitalist

  • Be quantitative: use numbers. Avoid phrases like too expensive, a little too much, perfect size, about right, etc.

  • State a basis for every number: Even a quick estimate should have a basis.

  • Have a basis for major design feature: These may be performance related, cost related, fabrication related, appearance related, etc. Don't add anything to your design unless you can give a reason to do so.




Design Cycle

IB Criterion


Title Page     1  
Table of Contents 1
I. Identification of Problem
This section briefly describes the problem to be solved without addressing the solution. The problem may be related to cost, performance, materials, maintenance, etc. For example there are many water purification systems but they may be too expensive or hard to maintain in a third world country.
Identifying the problem and the brief Planning a - Aspects 1, 2  0.5 - 2 Oct 19th

50 pts

II. Design Brief
Note whenever possible state numbers.
  1. Goal- example: produce a working prototype for evaluating possible volume production

  2. Target Market - children, handicapped adults etc.

  3. Major Constraints - laws, costs, dimensions, etc. which place constraints on design. These are generally items which are beyond your control and are imposed on the design by the outside world.

  4. Criterion - the range of operating conditions, weight, cost, performance criterion, etc. that the invention will be judged by. The criterion should also be assigned priorities or weighting factors. Reasons should be given for the weighting factors.

Identifying the problem and the brief Planning a - Aspects 1, 2 1 - 3 Nov. 01

 Sections II, II, and IV

100 pts


III. Background Research
  1. Literature Search Summary - A brief discussion of the findings from at least 3 sources listed in the references section. The Wikipedia is a good place to start but is not a source.
  2. Patent Search summary - Answer if project is patentable and if it would infringe or not.List related patents including their dates.
  3. Customer Input - Briefly describe an identified customer's input.
  4. Bibliography - minimum of 3, patents are additional
Research and specifications Planning a - Aspect 3 1 - 3  
IV. Alternative Solutions
Should very briefly describe at least 3 alternatives and contain a decision matrix used to select the top alternative. (Refer to II - D for the criterion to be used in the decision matrix.)
Generating ideas Data Collection - Aspect 1, 1 - 3  
V. Design Solution
  1. Conceptual Design Development
    1. Preliminary sketches
    2. Experimental data
    3. Calculations


  2. Mechanical Design
  1. Description
  2. CAD drawings
  1. 3D assembly drawing
  2. Orthographic drawings
  1. Calculations
  1. Control System Electrical Design
  1. Description
  2. Circuit drawings or block diagrams of elements
  3. Basic design of software if required


Developing the chosen solution Data Processing and Generation - Aspects 1, 2 3+ Dec. 18

Sections V and IV

150 pts

VI. Materials Cost Estimate
  1. Number - of units to order
  2. Quantity - unit to be ordered
  3. Price - cost per unit to be ordered
  4. Item - description
  5. Vendor
  6. Total Cost - Number x Price
Planning and realizing the chosen solution Planning b - Aspects 1,2,3 1 -3  
VII. Fabrication Plan
  1. Gantt Chart - give a time line for fabrication and assembly of major parts.
  2. Required Processes/equipment - Describe briefly the processes or equipment needed to make the parts. Can the parts be made in a normal woodworking shop or are more sophisticated processes needed such as welding, metal lathe turning, milling, sawing, casting, etc.
  3. Fabricate a Mock up or Working Prototype: The degree of complexity and expense will dictate whether the a mock up or a working prototype is constructed.
Planning and realizing the chosen solution Planning b - Aspects 1,2,3 1 - 3 Feb. 16

 Final Project

all sections including sections VII and VIII

250 pts

VIII. Conclusion and Evaluation
Judge the success of how the whole project was managed. Evaluate the procedures used at each design stage. evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the solution using both qualitative and quantitative techniques.
Testing and evaluating the chosen solution. Conclusion and Evaluation - Aspects 1 and 2 1 - 2  
Science Fair Backboard
Projects chosen for the science fair will receive 20 points of extra credit, 10 in the 3rd quarter and 10 in the 4th quarter. Zeros will be given to those who do not turn in a backboard.
      Feb 23

25 pts


--------- ---------  12.5 - 27+ 375 pts