- /**
- * Program for Calculating Progressive Income Tax
- *
- * @author tkrogers
- * @version 10-14-11
- */
- import java.awt.* ;
- import java.awt.event.* ;
- import javax.swing.* ;
- // Do not alter the following code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public class ProgressiveIncomeTax extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
- private JTextField input ;
- private JTextArea output ;
- private int onSwitch1,
- onSwitch2 ;
- private double incomeDollars,
- taxableIncome,
- tax1,
- tax2,
- totalTax,
- nominalTaxRate ;
- public static void main ( ) {
- createAndShowGUI ( ) ;
- }
- // constructor
- public ProgressiveIncomeTax ( ) {
- setLayout( new GridLayout ( 2,1 ) ) ;
- input = new JTextField( " Enter income in $ ", 40 ) ;
- input.addActionListener ( this ) ;
- output = new JTextArea ( " Income " + incomeDollars + "\n",5, 40 ) ;
- output.setEditable ( false ) ;
- JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane ( input ) ;
- add ( scrollPane ) ;
- add ( output ) ;
- }
- // Creates a graphical user interface.
- private static void createAndShowGUI ( ) {
- JFrame frame = new JFrame ( "Progressive Tax Calculator" ) ;
- frame.setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) ;
- // Add contents to the window.
- frame.add(new ProgressiveIncomeTax ( ) ) ;
- // Displays the window.
- frame.pack ( ) ;
- frame.setVisible ( true ) ;
- }
- // Outputs results when <enter> is pressed after inputting an income.
- public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
- String s = input.getText ( ) ;
- s = s.substring ( 21 ).trim ( ) ;
- incomeDollars = Double.parseDouble ( s ) ;
- input.setText ( " Enter income in $ " ) ;
- calculateTax ( ) ;
- output.setText ( " Income $" + incomeDollars +
- "\n Taxable Income $" + taxableIncome +
- "\n Total Tax $" + totalTax +
- "\n Nominal Tax Rate " + nominalTaxRate + "%" ) ;
- }
- // Sets the number of decmal places show for doubles and rounds appropriately.
- public double decimalPlaces ( int decimals, double x) {
- double d = Math.pow ( 10, decimals ) ;
- x = ( ( int ) ( (x + 0.5 / d ) * d ) ) / d ;
- return x ;
- }
- //Calculates the tax
- public void calculateTax ( ) {
- taxableIncome = ( incomeDollars - 19999.99 ) * onSwitch1 ( ) ;
- taxableIncome = decimalPlaces ( 2, taxableIncome ) ;
- tax1 = taxableIncome *.25 ;
- tax2 = ( taxableIncome -10000 ) * 0.10 * onSwitch2 ( ) ;
- totalTax = tax1 + tax2 ;
- roundUpTax ( ) ;
- calculateNominalTaxRate ( ) ;
- }
- // Complete the code shown below. Do not alter the above code.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Calculates the on-switch for the 1st tax rate.
- public int onSwitch1 ( ) {
- // Add the required code.
- return 0 ;
- }
- //Calculates the the on-switch for the 2nd tax rate.
- public int onSwitch2 ( ) {
- // Add the required code.
- return s ;
- }
- // Rounds tenths of cents upward
- public void roundUpTax ( ) {
- // Add the required code.
- }
- //Calculates the the nominal tax rate.
- public void calculateNominalTaxRate ( ) {
- // Add the required code.
- }
- }