* CompSciWeek template
* @author T. K. Rogers
* @version 10/3/13
* Students will produce an applet using the CompSciWeek template.
* Students may work in 2-person teams with specifications as follows:
* The applet is to function as a recruitment tool intended to
* encourage students to learn about coding or other aspects of
* computer science.
* 1) The applet will include text, graphics, and animation.
* 2) The presentation should tell a story or present a
* message that lasts about a minute, similar to a TV commercial.
* It should include sounds or music and can include pictures.
* 3) The applet should contain about 100 lines of student-written code
* and at least one student-created class.
* 4) The applet should have working start, stop, and reset buttons.
* 5) The applet should contain loops, methods, and if or if-else statements.
* A recursive method will earn extra credit.

import javax.swing.* ;
import java.awt.* ;

public class CompSciWeek extends JApplet {

private GraphicsDisplay graph = new GraphicsDisplay ( ) ;
SouthControlPanel southControlPanel ;

public void init ( ) {

// Sets up a container object which holds a border layout
Container c = getContentPane ( ) ;
c.setLayout ( new BorderLayout ( ) ) ;

c.add ( graph, BorderLayout.CENTER ) ; // Adds a graphic display to
// the center of the layout.

// Adds a control panel from SouthControlPanel class at the bottom.
southControlPanel = new SouthControlPanel ( ) ;
c.add ( southControlPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH ) ;

