The originators of Star Trek realized that to roam the galaxy a
star ship would have to greatly exceed the speed of light and this was
fraught with all kinds of problems. According to Einstein just reaching the
speed of light is not possible. Another problem: at speeds near the speed of
light time dilation would occur aboard the spacecraft making it impossible
to keep clocks synchronized with those on Earth. The solution was the warp drive. By folding
space it would be possible to greatly shorten distances facilitating travel
to far away places in short periods of time at speeds well under the speed
of light. However, warping space to get off the surface of Earth does not
sound like a great idea. What's going to prevent part of Earth's atmosphere
or surface from also being warped into outer space?
The Enterprise has impulse engines, a greatly updated type of
thruster for tasks such as leaving orbit but they appear to point in the
wrong direction (horizontally). Will the starship be carried aloft tug boat style by a
small fleet of booster rockets that fall away as the Enterprise leaves the
atmosphere? Who knows, maybe there will be a creative solution that
bedazzles us--yeah, right--but we can still hope.
As for space battles, it looks like the new Star Trek is going to be full
of them and largely according to the traditional models. We expected as much
but it still leaves us longing for a little more reality in at least the
details if not the big picture. For instance, the trailer shows a scene where
Enterprise is under some type of attack which causes numerous small
explosions on the ship's exterior along with the usual explosion sounds
coinciding exactly with each explosion. These look like conventional black
powder blasts laced with gasoline, yielding yellow orange fire balls with
dark colored smoke swirling inside them.
On Earth as soon as the black powder in such a configuration explodes it
bursts the gasoline container and ignites its contents. This creates a lot
of hot expanding gases. As the pressure drops and the gasses cool, cold air
(compared to the fireball) rushes in causing a swirling effect. So, where's
the cold air in outer space? For that matter where's the sound?
In outer space any superheated gas or plasma is going to travel outward
at very high velocity like a rapidly expanding soap bubble. Since there is
no cool air to mix with it, superheated material from the
explosion will probably glow longer than on Earth. The only way it
can lose thermal energy is by emitting it as photons. Furthermore
there will be nothing in outer space to slow the velocity of the material in
the blast wave unless it hits a nearby spacecraft or is eventually attracted
to a celestial body. Hence, the blast wave will be capable of doing
considerable damage at a greater range than on Earth. Blowing up enemy space craft at
close range could be a disaster. As for sound, the impact of high velocity
particles would definitely make a sound inside the spacecraft they struck,
but the explosion would otherwise be silent.
Star Trek's creators did seem to recognize that in order to detect enemy
craft and maneuver, space battles would need to be fought at relatively slow
speeds, the region where ordinary Newtonian physics work extremely well. At
such speeds, when within visual range, there is virtually no possibility of
missing with laser weapons or ultrahigh velocity particle bursts. Blasts
from such weapons would arrive at the target long before the target could
move a significant distance. Even ballistic weapons would work better in
outer space. To its credit, Star Trek's creators responded to these problems
by creating shields.
A little more reality in space battles would actually open up a world of
creative possibilities, not to mention put an end to a great deal of
There's no air resistance to slow a projectile's velocity or gravity to
make it fly in a parabolic arc. Projectiles would travel in straight lines
at much higher than normal speeds. In outer space, helium balloons could be
fired at higher velocities than machinegun bullets on Earth. Put something
more interesting in them than helium and they could cause real damage or at
least obliterate a spaceship's sensors by creating a cloud of plasma around
it as they popped against its hull. Give the balloons a computer chip the
size of a grain of rice and they could have enough artificial intelligence
and networking capability aboard to exhibit flocking behavior and act as a
As for cloaking, paint the ship black. From a distance, how is anyone
going to see a black ship in the blackness of outer space. If that's not
good enough, then put a big screen TV on one one side connected to a video
camera on the other. Again, it's going to be extremely hard to see such a
ship from a distance, and guess what: a real space battle isn't likely to be a
toe-to-toe shoot out. Even on 21st century Earth, close range dog fights
between fighter aircraft, while still a possibility, are no longer a
requirement. Air to air missiles can be
launched and aircraft downed well beyond visual range.
Of course, visible light isn't the only part of the spectrum that can
make a spacecraft visible. In outer space, a spacecraft with interior
temperatures warm enough to support human life would glow like a light bulb
in the infrared spectrum, that is if not properly insulated. However,
insulting it in the vacuum of space would be fairly easy: a few layers of
aluminum foil with a millimeter of space between them would do nicely.
The truth is that it's surprisingly easy to please techno-nerds. Throw
them a piece of reality and they'll be a movie's best friend. Mention the
movie 2001 a Space Odyssey and techno-nerds all but wag their tails,
even though the movie is often tedious and has an unfathomable plot. Why?
Because it has numerous realistic features such as depicting outer space
without sound.
Undoubtedly the new Star Trek story will have evolved from the original
roots, possibly in positive ways. Let's hope it doesn't just simply become
another mindless action movie whose main purpose is displaying special
effects. JJ Abrams is a talented guy but it may be expecting too much for
him to reach the standards of a true visionary like Gene Rodenberry. Nevertheless, let's hope he gives us something more than just a collection
of updated visuals.
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